Thursday, 7 April 2011


During the research process I was also able to find and sketch existing logos, and this was beneficial to me as it allowed me to find out what the successful aspects (such as colour schemes and shapes) of existing logos were so I could implement them into my logo design. Also this research assisted me in creating an accurate specification based on previous work.

Logo Development:
All in all I believe that my logo development was successful, as it provided detailed analysis of each stage of my development including improvements that I could incorporate into my next design. This allowed my logo designs to grow in standard over time, to make them more appropriate for their use, before designing my final logo.

My Logo:
In my opinion my logo fits its purpose well, as I reached my target of making my Sony logo look more modern to make it more appropriate for the branding of a technology company. I chose to use a simplistic approach to create my logo and I think this is successful as the simple colour scheme, font and shapes make it aesthetically pleasing whilst also standing out to the consumer.
However I believe that my logo could be improved by having a larger font size for the company slogan to make it more easily read from a longer distance.

Poster and Packaging:
With the poster and packaging I used a creative theme as an influence for my work to make it more appealing to young consumers, so therefore broadening the target audience for the product I was advertising. I think this design was appropriate for a poster as it was aesthetically pleasing and clearly displayed the product for sale in a unique way. Furthermore I incorporated images of well known successful games as a method of persuasion, as well as including a clear brand name and slogan, making the company easily recognisable.

With the packaging I incorporated a more natural theme to make the product and the company Sony to appear more environmentally friendly. Furthermore I made the product features more apparent by incorporating them into the rays of sunlight, whilst also having a brief product description and another picture on the back of the box, making it therefore fit the product specification. Also I used bright colors and cartoon like designs, as well as a paper background to make the design appear that it had been hand sketched, expanding on the creative theme. I think this was successful as these elements make the product for sale stand out amongst other similar products on the shelf. However I believed I could have used a more uncommon box shape to fit with the unique design on the package more.

Overall Evaluation:
Overall I believe that the project was a success, and gave me a good insight into the processes of graphic design in industry, as well as helping me to improve my standard of work on graphics software. However I still think there could be improvewments made to my work to make it better as stated in the text above. Furthermore I have enjoyed using the blog as a way to present my work as it is very customizable, and is different from the usual PowerPoint portfolio form used in previous projects.

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